Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Republican Win in November?

One Democrat's Opinion

Date: 23 Ja 08

First: If I were a Republican strategist I would be considering the fact that there are hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of traditional and centrist Democrats who feel nothing but intense antipathy for Hillary Clinton due to her treachery and dishonesty ever since the 1970s when she surreptitiously plotted to preempt the Democrat controlled House Judiciary Committee management in the proposed Richard Nixon impeachment, and her continuing in contemporary times of constantly changing of her "views" to match the fluctuations in opinion polls. She very cleverly uses "race", gender, character assassination and every other contemptible scheme in attempting to discredit her opponents. Therefore smart Republican strategists would be wise to aim most of their criticism at Obama, hoping that Hillary will be nominated because she will be far more easily beaten than Obama in November.

Most of we Democrats do not consider "race" or gender as a factor when voting. Integrity and conviction, both of which are apparently non-existent in Mrs. Clinton's character, are what is important to us.

Second: In that the major portion of the electorate across the nation appears to be undecided, and so many lifelong Democrats hold only unreconcileable contempt for Hillary, the Republicans would be wise to attempt to stop Obama, and to nominate their one Republican candidate who the vast majority of non aligned voters and traditional Democrat voters can see as the best alternative to Hillary for President, Congress Member Ron Paul.

My own choice, if he had been a candidate this year, would be Senator Joseph Lieberman, or anyone else who truly represents the tax and national sovereignty polices of John Kennedy. JFK not only stood up to America's enemies and detractors in both Berlin and Cuba, he succeeded in getting far larger tax reductions for the American people that did George Bush.

Here in the California Primary election we have a choice of early voting. I have already cast my vote for Ron Paul.


Blogger admin said...

I also cast my vote for Ron Paul

Tuesday, February 05, 2008 11:56:00 PM  

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