Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Truly a “Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing”: Hillary

One Democrat's Opinion


Date:  05 Fe 08


   One of the ladies in the discussion with Shepard Smith today said (on the FOX NEWS Channel), "Republicans don't want to allow a Democrat in the White House".  If this is so why have Republicans not supported a candidate of their Party who truly may beat the (pretend) "Democrat" candidates (Barack and Hillary)?

   Note:  Traditional Democrats have no candidate in this election.  To we traditional Democrats, the term 'liberal' has been distorted to mean the same in America as it does in Europe: 'Socialist', in short "illiberals"!  This fits Obama because he is at least honest in his quest to centralize governing authority over every minute of the lives of all the people under omnipotent control by bureaucrats in Washington, even their health care.  However, Hillary has no convictions, other than doing anything and everything that will acquire power for Hillary.  She is no "liberal", she is the ultimate among ingenious political opportunists.

   People in the USA are no longer prepared for elections.  In general we are far too well "educated" in the quest of factionalization on the basis of religion, "race", gender and ethnicity that are used by clever propagandists (indoctrinationalists) to divide Americans against each other on petty issues that are specifically designed to generate chaos across the nation (as was done to Yugoslavia). 

    Few voters today understand the structure of democratic civilization (the opposite of socialist civilization); that we must support the Constitutional framework that built the greatest nation in history.  Instead of voting for candidates who will promise anything to factions to get a vote (although those promises specifically imply establishing powers prohibited to the federal government by the Constitution [10th Amendment]), voting must be on principles holding the country together.  Of course we cannot rely on what a candidate says.  The reason the Constitution provides that the president be at least 35 years of age is that we have to rely on a candidates long term personal history, not their promises, to understand what he or she really may do in the future.  Worst of all are candidates who, once elected, will continue the consolidation of dominance by "the money power" elitist cabal that acquired control of our economy in 1913, and who have gradually acquired majority control (through money influence) in both major political parties.

    Due to the Republican candidates being promoted by the Party, and especially by the News Media, we are nearly guaranteed that the (false) Democrat candidate (either Obama or Hillary) will occupy the White House as of next January.  This would almost certainly be a repeat of the economic disaster and foreign hatred of Americans generated by the Eisenhower and Carter Administrations, or worse, perhaps a full fledged (new) "Great" Depression.  The Carter people not only generated the most damaging inflation in modern times resulting in the highest nationwide home buyers interest rates in US history, the highest unemployment since the "Great" Depression, , but the present hostile situation with Iran grew out of the Carter betrayal of the fledgling democratic government that was in the course of being established there by the Shah.

    Worth repeating:  At this point in time we traditional Democrats have no candidate in this election year.  Like Senator Joseph Lieberman, authentic Democrats have been forced out!  Also, the only announced Republican, that very likely would have beaten interlopers Obama or Hillary in November, has been ridiculed, mocked and side-lined by the News Media, including the loyal pundits controlling Republican commentary.   In that all other announced presidential candidates of both the major parties encourage centralizing more power in Washington through a national health program, among other destructively costly breaches of Constitutional provisions, Congress Member Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate who firmly represents the Constitution, and the only one who could be victorious in November.  Perhaps an alternative political party will grow into prominence this year and elect our president?  This, of course, would depend on the ability to overcome news media bias.

    The authentic liberal movement began as the intent to reduce government powers over the individual, starting with Magna Carta in England (c.1215) in the argument over land ownership; whether the Church allocated "divine right of kings" legitimately gave "royals" the power take what they wanted from the people.  The "liberal" movement of today (which is in truth solidly "illiberal"), a reversal of the original intent of liberals, instead of continuing and expansion of the freedoms and rights of the individual, now increasingly consolidates more power in the bureaucracies of Washington.

    American rights and freedoms grew from Colonial times right up until the 1960s, . . then began the "illiberal" trend (reversal of the long history of the growth of liberty), and now government is gradually regaining absolute power over the population.  Which way America? . .  this is the question we must answer.  Will we degrade back toward socialist civilization (centralized power held by elitists), or will democratic civilization again expand (political power disseminated throughout the population)?  Will we continue to vote as factions (as desired by the instigators of chaos), or will we vote for the betterment of all people of the nation?

A. Benton Edmons, editorialist, The Centrist Democrat International
TCDI is not in any way affiliated with any political faction (party) of any country
13536 Lakewood Bl, PMB 326
Bellflower, CA, USA 90706-2031
Date:  05 Fe 08 (California Primary Election Day)


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