Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Replacing our Constitution

One Democrat's Opinion

Date:  13 Fe 08

Why, as a Democrat for over 45 years, will I be voting against both the "Republican" candidate and the pretend-"Democrat", Barack Obama, if he becomes the "Democratic" candidate for the presidency? 

    There is now a Bill under discussion in the US Senate,  sponsored by Barack Obama.  It is legislation that if approved, would ratify treaties with the effect of furtively rescinding the human rights protections of American citizens included in our Constitution, and would surrender almost all of our national sovereignty to foreign bureaucrats, most of whom hate both democratic civilization and the USA.

    One , among many of my reasons, is Obama's sponsoring of this Bill
to surrender most of  American sovereignty, with respect to : taxation (enacting international taxation authority without consent of the American people - - that was the cause of the American Revolution against England), to naval operations, to administration of US foreign aid, to US environmental policy, to elimination of Constitutional Habeas Corpus and other legal protections of American citizens (by subjecting Americans to foreign legal prosecution), among other powers that would then be vested in unelected officials of the United Nations.

   What is that Bill now in the Senate?  It is disguised as "The Global Poverty Act"; but is in truth both a raid on the US taxpayers treasury and a surrendering of almost all parts of American sovereignty to the foreign bureaucrats of the United Nations.  This Bill provides for an additional $845 Billion of your tax dollars in foreign aid to be distributed by the UN.

    Are you aware, as in the "UN Oil for Food" scam (supposedly to provide food and medicine for Iraqis during the last years of the Saddam regime, in which between $10 and $20 Billion was diverted to the bank accounts of UN officials and their cronies), that probably far more than half of all
"humanitarian aid" provided to UN administrators never reaches the poor?  The embezzlement and diversion of aid at the UN equals more than the national budgets of many countries around the world.  Did you know that the US taxpayer provides more than half of all UN funding (including "foreign aid" that is "earmarked" to pay UN dues for other countries)?

    To surrender all these sovereign powers of the USA to the UN would absolutely breach and defeat our Constitutional protections by putting all American citizens under the authority of UN bureaucrats and judges; effectively (though not stated) the President of the United States would become simply a lower level functionary (like a governor) of a "state" (a subdivision) of the UN, and the Congress, thus the vote of the people, would be bypassed; UN edicts then becoming the supreme law of our country and of the world.

    Abraham Lincoln said a "house divided against itself cannot stand"; this is exactly the case with respect to attempting to support both the Constitution of these United States and the Charter of the United Nations.  This divides your loyalty; one cannot be both a supporter of democratic civilization while supporting it's antithesis,  socialistic civilization.  

  • The US Constitution is a structure, a foundation, for government that distributes ultimate political power among all the people through electing their own officials. 
  • However, the UN Charter provides for only centralized authority control with ultimate power vested in a tiny elitist cabal of bureaucrats (as was the case with the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and other socialist regimes such as present day Iran, North Korea and Cuba).

    What could we expect in a world  without democratic nations like the USA?   Everyone had best put some deep thought into this question.  The "Global Poverty Act" very certainly does have, if enacted, the capacity to gradually eliminate democratic civilization throughout the planet.

    Did you know that of the total of 191 member "states" of the UN, less than 50 allow any semblance of authentic democratic civilization within their borders.   The ironic question is, "Why would any Democrat support such an organization in which the vast majority of member 'states', approximately 140 of the 191, are both anti-democratic and anti-American?"   Also, why do our politicians insist that we taxpayers provide the money used to pay those who hate and oppose us?

The "Global Poverty Act" MUST BE DEFEATED!

A. Benton Edmons, editorialist,
The Centrist Democrat International
TCDI is not in any way affiliated with any political faction of any country
13536 Lakewood Bl, PMB 326
Bellflower, CA, USA 90706


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