Friday, February 15, 2008

Answering Questions from Subscribers

One Democrat's Opinion

Responding to questions from subscribers of The Centrist Democrat International newsletter about the United Nations


    On waking up the people:  The re-writing of history in our school texts has been so thorough (since the 1940s, and even back to the 1920s) that very few people have any accurate knowledge of much of historic events occurring before their childhood, and even events afterward are cleverly distorted.  The most used "tool" of the revisionists is 'selective omission' of facts and events, or distortion of them. As a very wise person observed, "Those who do not learn history [this reporter would add: 'especially of the planned divisive and devastating events'] are doomed to repeat it."

   The contemporary protégés of those President Abraham Lincoln referred to as "the money power" [the people who used their financial power to increase and promote "racism" as a means to instigate disintegration of the Union, culminating in the "Civil" War) have so infiltrated nearly every facet of societies of America and around the world, from schools to unions, to political parties, to religions,  to social organizations, even some police forces and veterans organizations, medical bureaucracies, etc.,  that they have acquired near controlling influence of most every facet of life.

   Thankfully, the Internet, though "the money power" has also both infiltrated it and attempted to use local, federal and international taxation as a means to quash open dialog within it, is probably the best vehicle available to bring about understanding, thus eventually eradicate the power of collectivism (socialism - "the money power").  Through their control of central banks of most countries, they derive their power.  Our power on the democratic side, on the other hand, is understanding the (socialist) power seekers methods and "tools".

   It is my conviction that we must keep the Internet free of control by any authority, such as the taxation the UN wants to slap onto it.

   The United Nations, in my opinion, is both the visible authority of the hidden "money power", as well as their very vulnerable "Achilles heel" (due to its' history).   If somewhat full understanding of the history of the UN can be presented to, and absorbed by 10% to 15% of the people, the "marching feet" of the power of socialism could be "cut off" (by curtailing US taxpayer funding of the UN). 

    One of our major problems is the infiltration of the news media (print, radio and TV; especially women's magazines, even sports and entertainment) by the pawns of "the money power", which puts major effort into never discussing the horrendous crimes of the UN (the practice of "selective omission") while only summarily mentioning the most minor offenses committed by the administrators of the proposed "world government".

   We must get truthful information about the UN into our schools. 

   People like you (those who have asked questions on the UN, and who put pressure on elected representatives) are to be commended.  Those who write "letters to editors" of newspapers are also of immense help in this struggle against tyranny.  The smaller newspapers are less likely to be "money power" controlled than the larger ones.

    Few people realize that it is jealousy, avarice and megalomania that drives all forms of socialism (regardless of the synonym of socialism used:  dictatorship, Communism, Nazism, Fascism, theocracy, collectivism, or others).  It is the genius level megalomaniacs who empower the excessively greedy, and devise the indoctrination that influences the "do-gooders", using the hate of jealousy, among those who do the dirty work of perverting education, religions, politics, unions, the news media, "race" relations, entertainment, etc.

    The megalomaniacs want power over all people.  Some actually believe themselves to be promoters of human welfare. They use those consumed by avarice who want to take what others produce for themselves, but without doing the work or devising productive and honest means of acquiring those things.  The jealous want to be seen as being better or more important than anyone else (ex:  the homicide/martyrdom bombers - - usually referred to as "suicide" bombers - - whose intent is not suicide, but is the insanity of martyrdom).

    Even President Woodrow Wilson, including his support of the League of Nations, later regretted his approval of the income tax and the private central bank, the Federal Reserve System, the two major actions that (re)established "the money power" influence over the financial system of the ; both Presidents Jackson [D] and Lincoln [R], as well as JFK [D], did all they could to eradicate "money power" control of America's financial/political affairs.   Baron von Rothschild, "I care not who makes the laws, so long as I can issue the money and set it's value".   The "money power" bankers have always considered themselves above and beyond laws governing all other people.  


The establishment of the income tax and the FRS (during the Wilson Administration) was the turning point in America, toward centralized (socialist) power (in actuality, America suffered a silent coup d'état).   In 1945, the establishment of the UN was the beginning of putting "teeth" into visible enforcement of hidden "money power" authority.

   The influence of "the money power" on contemporary American politicians is obvious in that most of them, Democrat and Republican, "conservative" and "liberal" alike, use the power of their elective office, not to conserve Constitutional provisions limiting federal powers, but to override the Constitution by increasing centralized and international governmental reach into the lives of each and every inhabitant.   Ex:  The present "health care" insurance scam (surrendering individual health care decisions to government bureaucrats) is nothing less than greatly increasing governmental control in the economic lives of every individual, and will not
empower the people for better access to health care
; "Universal Health Care" will ultimately only give distant and "cloudy" bureaucracies more control of individuals and increase the overall expense of health care for everyone, just as the Medicare expansion has done (the "back door" entry to universal health care).

   Understanding is our most powerful "weapon". Every act of government and those with control over the nation's economic system must be very minutely scrutinized. Another wise person cautioned us, "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance". Most of the active patriots during the many years of the American Revolution better understood the eternal struggle between civilizations than any of our Senators or Members of Congress of today. The two forms of opposing civilization have always been, 1. The collective (centralized) power (now referred to as 'socialist civilization'), and 2. Decentralized political power vested in all of the inhabitants of a society (now referred to as 'democratic civilization'). The socialist threat of centralized power over all people will always exist in that jealousy, avarice and megalomania will always be mental and emotional distortions among mankind, driving the perpetrators of dictatorial powers. To maintain and expand human liberty accurate recording of history must be made profusely available to every inhabitant of the nation, and of the world.


A. Benton Edmons, editorialist, The Centrist Democrat International

TCDI is not in any way affiliated with any political faction of any country

13536 Lakewood Bl, PMB 326

Bellflower, CA, USA 90706


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