"Racial" Origins of Humanity
One Democrat's Opinion
"Racial" Origins of Humanity
The best contemporary scientific research on the origin of the
human race, using advanced Matriarchal DNA methodology, indicates that the worldwide extinction of approximately 70,000 years ago included most humans then on the planet. Apparently only about 60,000 to 70,000 members of the human population survived (today the population of a small city); ALL of them within a few African tribes. From these few surviving human beings, as they spread out of Africa and around the rest of the Earth during thousands of years, all of today's peoples eventually evolved differently due to environmental effects of disparate parts of the planet.
Nature's environmental effects, as humans spread ever further northward into colder climates, over many generations, resulted in varying features, including lightening of the skin. In the tropic zones human skin tones remained dark as a natural protection from strong sunlight. In northern zones the natural weather patterns required people to "cover their bodies" to keep warm, thus the skin, no longer regularly exposed to strong sunlight, gradually lightened through the generations. Hair texture, in the warmest zones evolved to allow aeration, thus preventing overheating of the brain. In the colder zones the hair became more like a blanket to keep the head, thus the brain, warm. The environmental effects of what is now Asian zones, different from those of what is now Europe, caused different environmental effects, including food sources, and living in mostly seashore and island communities very likely causing the differences in the appearance of the eyes. In effect, in reality, we are all cousins, though in most cases very remote cousins, regardless of minor appearance differences.
This brings us to "race". Approximately 200 years ago the major scientists agreed, attempting to understand the apparent differences among human beings of various parts of the planet, honestly promoting the hypothesis that there were three different origins of human beings; Negroid, Mongoloid and Caucasoid. Though this theory has been proven wrong; that there is only one origin of all of contemporary humanity, the "racial" belief remains, and is exploited and magnified by money and power motivated opportunists in the political and religious fields in order to divide people against each other; indoctrination of hatred on an artificial basis. In the time of President Abraham Lincoln, those he referred to as "the money power", the Rothschild extensions of European banking command of governments, then attempting to acquire control of America's economy, fanned the fires of racism in order to instigate "racial" hatred, dividing North against South and even turning family members against each other on both sides, bringing on the Civil War, the most deadly battles in American history.
The argument that Jesus Christ, if he truly existed, was of either negroid or caucasoid appearance, is moot. It is of no matter; if he was a great man, what does skin color matter (except to instigators of "racial" hatred, in their quest of money and power)? Those people born of long family settlement heritage in the areas of the Middle East definitely do exhibit medium dark skin. Even the people of many generations along the north Mediterranean coast have darker skin tones than those of central and northern Europe.
In the Christian Bible, with reference to government and religion, there is the admonishment, "render to God what is God's, and render to Caesar what is Caesar's"; definitely declaring the absolute separation between church and state. The ¿Reverend? Wright (of Barack Obama infamy) attributes the axiom, "do to others as you would have them do to you" to Jesus Christ. In fact this was the moral teachings of philosophers millennia before even the Jewish religion was established, let alone that of the Christians.
Though the theory of "race" has been proven definitely a mistake of previously inadequate scientific methods, the terms "Asian", "caucasian" and "negro" are in no way degrading, and are useful, but only as physical descriptions;
not as a means of separation of human beings into opposing factions. Those physical differences are also gradually disappearing in areas where evolution is changing people who migrate from various points to one location. Example: Most Americans of Japanese and European descent, though marrying within their own groups, are generally taller than their forebears and relatives in Japan and Europe, and their facial and body structure is more like those of Americans of multiple generations.
We are all cousins. Let us treat every human being as 'family', and consider each on his/her own behaviour.
A. Benton Edmons, editorialist, The Centrist Democrat International
Bellflower, CA, USA