Saturday, May 10, 2008

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

From whence came the asserted world government conspiracy, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion?

One Democrat's Opinion

It appears that those who wrote this document were secretly commissioned by the Rothschild central bankers as a means of diverting guilt for their own conspiratorial corruption away from themselves, and to someone else. Why the Jews? Perhaps because Jews have been an easy target since time immemorial; perhaps because of jealousy and envy of their successes in business the Jews have been blamed for every negative condition in many countries since the Middle Ages. Therefore, with an already bad reputation, it would be easy to convince most people to blame the Jews for even more corruption.

The most likely fact is that central bankers, led by the Rothschild banking monopolies of Europe, commissioned talented propagandists for this project after having been blocked from taking control of the American economy by President Andrew Jackson (D) and by President Abraham Lincoln (R), with the help of Czar Alexander II of Russia*. Almost all other American presidents up to 1913, and most of them since, especially John F. Kennedy (D), have also opposed central banking. *Czar Alexander II used his navy to blockade the supply of munitions to the southern states and admonished the English and French, "If you join with the Confederacy against the Lincoln government, you will also be at war with Russia" (paraphrased). Russia was then a major military power.

Revenge: The bankers provided Vladimir Lenin with huge sums of money (gold) to establish the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), just one of those shipments amounted to some $20 million; equal to more than $241 million in 2007 dollars. Not only the assassination of Lincoln (there had also been attempts to assassinate Jackson), but the later assassination of the family of Czar Nicolas who had been instrumental in preventing central banks being established in both Russia, as well as Alexander II's support of Lincoln prior to and during the US Civil War. The bankers also financed Hitler. The central bankers have no allegiance to any nation, and none to morality; their only allegiance is profit at the expense of all populations around the Earth.

Since about 1694 the Rothschild collaboration among central bankers have, somewhat steadily, gradually taken control of and manipulated most national governments around the world. This is done through establishing central banks that "loan" fiat money to the leaders and politicians of nations. These debts, in the billions of dollars, are then used as the bankers means of coercing governments into continual expansion of power over the people, generating the need for ever increasing funding of programs that will be repaid to the bankers through taxation of the populations.

Yes, there have been some Jews involved in the world banking conspiracy. However there have also been members of just about every other religion also involved (secret "shareholders" of the central banks). Early on the identities of the ultimate owners of the secret shares of the Bank of England was public knowledge. This resulted in opposition to the banks control and abuse, thus the identities of all behind the scenes shareholders became secret. Are you aware that the Federal Reserve system is the only corporation in the USA that has never been compelled to abide by the laws of annual auditing and tax assessment (the officers of any other corporation would find themselves in prison for such blatant violation of federal laws). Also, the identities of the real owners of the Federal Reserve is kept secret. The "earnings" (better described as "loot") garnered by the secret shareholders of the Federal Reserve, since 1913, has to be in the $Trillions of Dollars (that is "T" for Trillions, not "B" for Billions, or "M" for Millions; such an immense amount of money that billionaires like Bill Gates would be unable to comprehend it).

Divert attention: The most effective method of not being blamed for what one does is to be anonymous; by diverting attention to some other entity or group of people, the real criminal(s) can often remain hidden in obscurity. This is the most likely origin of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

For more information go to:,M1 Although the word "anti-Semitic" is improperly used in the cited Internet link, the overall information seems accurate, but does not mention the commissioning of the hate document. Note: To be anti-Semitic a person would have to be bigoted against all Semites, not only the Jews. More information on central banking:

A. Benton Edmons, editorialist, The Centrist Democrat International

Bellflower, CA, USA

Note: This writer is neither a Jew, nor associated in any way with any organized religion.




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