Sunday, March 30, 2008

Jobs are getting MORE scarce in the USA

The invasion of the USA is NOT a "MEXICAN" problem!

     In truth, considering that invaders (incorrectly and deceitfully referred to as "illegal immigrants" [or "indocumentados"]) are certainly NOT ONLY involved in FARM and MENIAL LABOR, but are employed in probably every concept of employment, independent contracting and sole proprietorships across the country (most often dishonestly using bogus SS numbers and other false identification among additional violations of many democratically enacted laws).  The invasion from all parts of the world is a major cause of the current reduced employment opportunities for American citizens and for authentic immigrants (those who came to the USA through lawful means).  Those visitors overstaying visas must also be accounted for. Note: In most countries, if Americans were to invade and work without permission they would be treated as criminals by the governments of those nations

    It is essential to halt the invasion, regardless of the nations of origin of the invaders¿Why does the US government still maintain bases in Europe for more than 100,000 US military personnel and civilian employees??  ¿Why do we still have another 50,000 + military personnel in Japan and Korea??  Our borders and seashores, beyond any reasonable person's doubt, is definitely a national defense issue!!!   We need to bring back to the USA at least 50,000 US military personnel, and most US military equipment now in Germany, Korea and Japan, to reinforce the Border Patrol and Coast Guard. The cost of keeping our military in the aforementioned countries is colossal, and apparently a major waste of taxpayers funds?  If there is legitimacy for our troops to remain in Europe, Korea and Japan, Americans should be thoroughly advised of the costs and reasons.  West Europeans, Japan and Korea certainly now have the internal economic capability to finance their own defense forces.

   With our borders secure, other methods (high tech, administrative, etc.) needed to stop the invasion would be less difficult and far less costly.  President Bush should admit that the hundreds of kidnappings, the violence, the killings of both Americans and Mexicans - including Mexican officials, and including hundreds of attacks on our Border Patrol and other Law Enforcement personnel, the drug smuggling and other chaos along our southern border, considering the use of rockets, machine guns, grenades and other military-guerrilla type activities, certainly resembles war.

    Also, besides thwarting the invasion, as a separate issue, it is essential that streamlining the processes to encourage authentic and rapid immigration (for those who honestly apply for entry to the USA) be quickly addressed.  Just as the USA urgently needs far more young science and technical people graduating from our educational facilities, we also need the same level of professional people as immigrants.  If we are to regain our traditional technical leadership (so long labeled as "American ingenuity"), high quality and dedicated people will have to discern/invent improved methods for Americans to provide better products at lower prices on the world markets.  I f we cannot compete (offer high quality products to the world at competitive prices), we will degrade into an economically depressed nation.  

The "union mentality" of minimal work for maximum pay must be broken!!!   We need far less highly paid management personnel, especially in government, and more high quality people in all types of productivity.  Overall, we need far less government bureaucracy and much more efficient productivity to return America to the greatness of yesteryear.

A. Benton Edmons, editorialist,
The Centrist Democrat International
The above is approved for broadcast/dissemination to the general public


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