Saturday, May 17, 2008

Earmarks: Open Letter to Senator Boxer

A. Benton Edmons


The Centrist Democrat International

13536 Lakewood Bl, PMB 326

Bellflower, CA, USA 90706-2031




Honorable Barbara Boxer

Senate Office Buildings

Washington, DC, USA 20510


Dear Mrs. Boxer:


    What is your view, and can we count on your support?


    The public has become aware of the unscrupulous practice of "earmarking" and wants this deceitful "pork barrel" funding device ended, PERMANENTLY, and the perpetrators adequately punished. This has been a growing travesty by both Republican and Democrat legislators over the past half century, deliberately deceiving all American taxpayers/voters. The Social Security Trust Funds have been raided by these legislators of more than $2.049 Trillion (not Billion), and the pilfering continues as of this date.


    Now that the practice by legislators of "earmarking"
has become a synonym of "embezzlement" is it time to enact Senate and House rules that would severely punish any and all legislators who would attempt to surreptitiously conceal projects and issues funded without thorough debate through this corrupt practice? It is essential that each and every funding project be fully debated on its own merits, or lack thereof, individually. The only other description that parallels "earmarking" is "money laundering", another corrupt device of obscuring from public view activities of criminal intent.


    There is very little difference in "hiding" proposed funding of never debated projects within other Bills, and a bank manager siphoning money from depositors' funds. The only difference is that the funds are siphoned from the taxpayer's treasury. The duplicity in doing either is equal and should be uniformly dealt with under the laws.


    Just as mendacious politicians have deceitfully changed the verbiage of their plundering of taxpayers' funds from "pork barreling" to "earmarking", this writer will be on the alert to find future furtive efforts by legislators to "embezzle" taxpayer funds or to deliberately spread confusion on this issue among the public.


    Senator Boxer, do we, the public, have your support to totally end such dishonesty among legislators? Corruption in the US Senate and the US House of Representatives must end.


                        Sincerely yours,


A. Benton Edmons

Editorialist, The Centrist Democrat International


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