Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Name Change

Name Change: The name: 'The Centrist Democrat International' will be abandoned, and never again used by this organization.

Although the first published letters/editorials of this organization were in the early 1990s, it has been recently discovered that the same name has been used by a religious organization since 2001.

In that TCDI (this NEWSLETTER) has never been in any way affiliated with any other organization, nor with any political faction of any country, and that the Democrat Party of the USA has now totally reversed its political direction from that set by Presidents from Andrew Jackson to Grover Cleveland and John Kennedy (as well as Woodrow Wilson having retracted his previous support for the "money power" that was put in charge of the US economy during his administration [1913]), in order to avoid being mistaken for either a religious entity, or any modern day (pretend) "Democrats" who promote socialist autocracy (centralized political-economic power), the name, 'The Centrist Democrat International' will be abandoned, and never again used by this organization, as of this date: 18 Je 08. The original concept, 'World Congress of Nations'' , which began publicizing opinions, beliefs, convictions and principles through editorials in the early 1980s, will continue, and that name will be used as a newsletter title in addition to all previous functions of the organization.

A blog post and web site for
World Congress of Nations
(WCN) is to be announced.

A. Benton Edmons, editorialist, WCN


Monday, June 16, 2008

Urgent Necessities to Regain and Maintain American Sovereignty

As a Democratic voter reaching back to the John F. Kennedy election this writer cares about the same things as did JFK. The most urgent two issues being absolute independent American sovereignty, and returning control of our national economy to the people, as designed by the framers of our Constitution.

JFK did not flinch in exercising the right of our nation to independently decide our own policy. He would not allow some international cabal to make our decisions for us. He did not plead with the United Nations when the Soviets were on the verge of launching nuclear warheads into the USA from Cuba. Unilaterally he took the necessary responsibility of forcing Khrushchev to back down and to remove the dozens of ICBM's aimed at several major American cities and US military installations. In 1963 the Soviets were well on their way toward world conquest, already effectively in control of all of eastern Europe, most Asian countries, several South American nations, and had strong influence in many parts of Africa such as the former Belgian Congo colony, and some puppet administrations in the Caribbean, such as Cuba. The Vietnam struggle began under the Eisenhower Administration when US "foreign aid" sent to (Soviet controlled) Marshall Tito of Yugoslavia was transshipped to Ho Chi Minh's Soviet controlled forces attempting to dominate the entire ("French IndoChinese") peninsula.

Why did the Soviets back down on their intent to destroy the USA, the major obstacle in the Soviet agenda to rule the entire planet? Although we now know that the Soviets did have superiority in nuclear and air power, the Soviets were not certain of this. The Soviets suspected that America had secret weapons that even their multitudes of spies, that had infiltrated into every facet of our government, could not verify. Soviet agents were rampant right up to the level of presidential advisors, including Alger Hiss, Harry Hopkins and Harry Dexter White, among many others in highly prominent and powerful positions. JFK's courageous daring in the USSR/Cuban Missile Crisis prevented nuclear war and worldwide devastation. Most experts of the era declared that we were minutes away from planetary nuclear destruction. Thank you, John F. Kennedy.

On the economic front, 04 June 1963, JFK attempted to return control of the American economic system to our government by bypassing the charter of the Federal Reserve Corporation. He began by issuing $4.3 Billion in United States Notes, and he had the intention to replace all Federal Reserve Notes over time, thus eradicating the private central bankers profits acquired through use of the "fractional reserve" banking that has devalued our US Dollar by more than 90% since they were given control of our economy in 1913. In the 1920s a new Ford could be purchased for under $500. Today the most basic Ford would cost over $10,000 (do the arithmetic).

American taxes pay more than 50% of all United Nations expenses* although approximately 140 of the 192 member "states" of the UN are adamantly anti-American, and worse, fervently anti-democratic. That leaves less than 50 authentic democratic member "states" of the UN; meaning that the USA is among a tiny minority influence in the UN. *Much of US "foreign aid" is earmarked to pay the UN dues of recipient nations. This is why Presidents Kennedy, Reagan and Bush bypassed the UN in national security circumstances; these Presidents were well aware that the UN would never support any truly democratic efforts of the USA as witnessed by their ignoring freedom fighters of Hungary (1956), Czechoslovakia (1968), and UN military action in Katanga (1960-63) to destroy the newly formed democratic government of President Moise Tshombe; although Bush-2 did repeatedly attempt to obtain UN action in Iraq.

JFK would not have agreed to the treaty after treaty, by which politicians of the USA have been gradually surrendering American sovereignty, curtailing the independence our forebears so valiantly fought for, to the foreign politicians/bureaucrats of the United Nations. Some of the latest treaties under consideration being the intent to provide for (un-elected) UN officials to determine American environmental policy (Kyoto, etc.). Already Americans have lost millions of jobs to foreign industry. The ratification of environmental treaties would give the UN bureaucrats the power to unilaterally decide American environmental policy, thus the ability to shut down America by curtailing all our heavy industry, sending more millions of higher paid US jobs overseas, under the pretense of "saving the environment".

We would be well served if the United Nations were moved to another country, preferably across either the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans, and all nations were made equal in both the amount of dues assessed and voting power; thus limiting US "donations" to only to those UN dues. Unlike Truman's naiveté, his failing to understand what was going on around him, JFK's bypassing of the UN in various instances very certainly demonstrated his understanding that the UN would never promote authentic democratic purposes.

CONCLUSION: As an older Democrat with a better clarity of history than my younger colleagues, the only circumstances under which I will consider voting for the present Democrat Party nominee, Barack Obama, is if he were to loudly, continually and vociferously mimic the above noted intentions of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. As witness to the eras both Kennedy and Obama, I see them as the antithesis of one another, not in any way similar. Realistically I do not expect Barack Obama to become an imitator of John Kennedy, therefore I will be voting for the American Independent Party candidate for president, or for Congress Member Ron Paul, perhaps as a "write-in", in November 2008. I urge all Democrats who are concerned about the future of American independence, the sovereignty of this nation, the rights/freedoms/responsibilities of the American people to be decided by Constitutional limitations on elected officials of our own nation, to do the same.

On the most urgent of matters, our national sovereignty, both Obama and McCain have endorsed increasing surrender of American independence to the foreign bureaucrats of the UN. Seeing the continuous corrupt history of the UN, let's not be so naïve as to expect the UN cabal to treat us fairly.

A Benton Edmons, editorialist, WCN




Friday, June 06, 2008

Independence Day (4th of July)

To every registered voter:


As we approach American Independence Day (4th of July) and then the November general elections, we must contemplate the future of our nation.


Questions YOU should ask of every candidate seeking election to the US House of Representatives (Member of Congress), the US Senate, and the Presidency:


  1. What is your conception of our American independence/sovereignty? Should all decisions concerning our nation be decided by the American citizenry through the democratic blueprint within our Constitution; the vote of the common person?


  1. What is your opinion of international organizations that require conceding portions of American independence/sovereignty to officials other than Americans?


  1. What will you do to reinstate American INDEPENDENCE that has been gradually eroded by dozens of treaties awarding sovereignty over American freedoms, rights/responsibilities to international organizations during the past 63 years?


  1. Should Americans surrender any portion of our freedoms, our rights/ responsibilities, our independent sovereignty, to (un-elected) foreign politicians and bureaucrats, most of whom despise all forms of democratic civilization and who loathe every American achievement since the 1700s?


5. What will you do to STOP the RAID on the Social Security Trust Fund (from which more than $2.15 Trillion has been "embezzled" during the past 20+ years by Democrat and Republican legislators)?


  1. What is your proposal to return control of the US monetary system to the Congress as required by our Constitution (we need a workable method to eliminate the private central bankers who have had control of the American economy since 1913, and which President John F. Kennedy attempted to abolish)? The central bankers have profited by every penny lost to inflation (cost to consumers and taxpayers) since 1913; trillions of dollars of ill-gotten gains ("fractional reserve banking").


  2. How would you resolve the eminent domain excesses by local and state politicians and bureaucrats who enrich themselves by confiscating private property for the profit of their cronies? Do we need a Constitutional Amendment?


Would America be better off if candidates of the American Independent Party or Constitution Party replaced the Democrat/Republican joint cabal that has grown so opportunistic and socialistic over the past 20+ years, centralizing all power within a collective of "embezzlers"?


In short, should America regain and remain fully independent, or should we abandon that most important document of human freedom, the Declaration of Independence that established our inalienable rights of freedom from excessive government usurpation and controls?



A. Benton Edmons, editorialist, The Centrist Democrat International, Bellflower, CA, USA