Monday, February 25, 2008

Global Economic Equalization - - Free Trade Agreements

One Democrats Opinion

Date:  25 Fe 08

NAFTA, CAFTA, NAU, etc., vs. "Global Economic Equalization"

     Are NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO and other international agreements that provide uneven economic advantage for other countries, the major and real causes of so many industries and jobs being "exported" from the USA to foreign countries?  Do these agreements put Americans at a major disadvantage compared to job seekers in other countries?  Do these programs cause unemployment in the USA?

     Did you know that the "Global Economic Equalization" that we have been experiencing since the mid-1980s (most often referred to as:"globalization") is a result of the advancing development and proliferation of "information technology" (IT); economical computers and programming?    It has been the massive reduction of costs of computers and programming that made the "international industrial revolution" a fact.  This lowering of costs made possible the rapid growth of engineering, business and industry in India, China, Brasil, Vietnam, Indonesia and many other countries.  The leadership of countries competing with the USA realized and understood the colossal power of computerization, which would enable them to establish both light and heavy industry, as well as business advisory and technical staffs for worldwide competition at very low start-up costs.  These well informed officials reacted by enrolling millions of their citizens in IT education, science and business, readying them for the world of today; while American administrations, concentrating on "social" education, have been reducing our studies of engineering, science, math, IT, etc.   NOTE:  Most early computer and programming development came out of American technological development.

    Obviously, WTO is simply an international "welfare" program, paid for by you, the American taxpayer, for the benefit and enrichment of bankers and of the governing regimes of other countries.  NAU is designed to be, more than anything else, an invitation for tens of millions more invaders from around the world to enter the USA.   As it is an "open borders" agenda between the USA, Canada and México it would allow untold millions of people, from any number of countries, to sneak into Canada or México, then simply cross the borders to get into the USA.

     Are you aware that it is not actually the programs themselves, NAFTA, CAFTA, etc., but the administration of of these international agreements, that leaves Americans without the technological jobs?  In the world economy of today we really do have to adjust to the proliferation of foreign industries that provide quality competition equal to our products and services.  If we choose economic isolation by curtailing trade agreements, turning our backs on the rest of the world, attempting to maintain the American dominance of the past, we will price ourselves out of competition, and eventually into economic ruin.  If we cannot sell our products to other countries because of our higher costs of production, thus requiring prices higher than our competition, Americans will not earn the money needed to buy the goods we need from other countries, such as oil.   Already America has the world's largest trade deficit, resulting in some countries no longer accepting the USDollar!

     Already our US Dollar has been greatly devalued compared with most world currencies, especially the Euro.  In the late 1990s the Euro was equal to about US$0.82.  Today the Euro is almost double that value against the US Dollar, meaning Americans have lost close to half of their previous ability to buy international products and services.  American isolationism, as demanded by those who oppose (honest, equilateral and beneficial for all) free trade, could drive the USA into a negative economic collapse that would make the "great" depression seem like a picnic.

     The solution is not to cancel all of our trade agreements.  For true prosperity, we must maintain world trade, but re-negotiate all of the trade agreements to make them equally favorable for both Americans and people of other countries. Global Economic Equalization means that all the world will eventually have equal access to prosperity.  In reality there is no need to limit any country.  Human genius can always continue developing better lives for all of humanity.

     To be competitive, we must not throw up barriers to trade, but we increase our American ingenious attitude of the past in order to provide better and higher quality technology so Americans can offer better products and services at the lowest cost to the world, as we always did in the past.   Let's live in the future, not demand to rest on our past laurels of accomplishments that benefited the entire world.  We CAN do it again!!

     Overall, free trade is the democratization needed throughout the world, but on an equal and fair basis; not in the manner that NAFTA, CAFTA and other agreements now penalizes Americans and provides massive and unfair advantages for other countries.

The prices you pay:  Taxes and fees

     Compared to countries like Ireland, Poland and a host of others that have reduced taxation to minimum, now enjoying extraordinary economic growth and prosperity, what is the effect of the punitively high US business taxes/tariffs for American consumers? 

     Regardless of on whom taxes are levied (on business, on the "rich", on industry, on foreign products), it is the final consumer, and/or the lower middle income earner, who ultimately pays all taxes and feesHow, you may reasonable ask?    To industry and business, unless we impose fascist controls, taxes and fees are no different to any other costs of doing business.  In order to succeed in business, all costs, including taxes and fees, become part of the prices of products and services, paid by final consumers. Thus, in reality, YOU pay all taxes and fees levied on the "rich".  Who are the "rich"?  Under tax planning now being promoted by politicians the "rich" targeted for higher taxes will be anyone who earns more than about $45,000 annually.

Repeat after me:  In reality, you pay those taxes/tariffs in higher prices for the goods and services you buy!

NAFTA:  North American Free Trade Agreement
CAFTA:  China/Asia Free trade Agreement
WTO:  World Trade Organization
NAU:  North American Union (similar to the EU [European Union] except that NAU includes unjust purposes).

     To increase American prosperity for all, we need re-negotiation of all trade agreements, but we definitely need the trade.  We need stronger eduction for all our youth; education that will make them successfully competitive as compared to the working people of other countries.

A. Benton Edmons, editorialist,
TCDI in not in any way affiliated with any political faction of any country
13536 Lakewood Bl, PMB 326
Bellflower, CA, USA 90706-2031


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