Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Experience; Hillary versus Obama versus logic



    Today one of the young female announcers on the FOX NEWS Channel (around 10:30 o'clock PDT) said that the majority of Democrats consider Hillary to have better experience to be president than Obama.  That announcer should rephrase her comment, to: "The majority of young,
inexperienced "
democrats" view Hillary as better prepared than Obama"

    Most of we older (traditional) Democrats, who not only have a good knowledge of history but long experience in our lifetimes, view Hillary as nothing more than an absolute opportunist who will do anything for power, hence her never ending changing of views and opinions matching the undulating news media broadcast of various polls.

    Hillary's major experience, as far as we are concerned, was her high involvement in the management of the (never fully investigated) Whitewater
fraud in Arkansas that took millions from investors.  President Clinton fired all 93 federal attorneys (was his purpose to prevent prosecution of Mrs. Clinton?).  Remember, the "independent" prosecutor worked for Attorney General Janet Reno, who in turn was in the employ of Bill Clinton.  At best, we could say the Clintons' investigated themselves through a surrogate.  The final result was obvious from the beginning, as many of we older Democrats predicted.

   Since my vote for John F. Kennedy in 1960, and more than 45 years as a Democrat, like so many others, I feel that we traditional liberals simply no longer have representation in any White House candidate, and very little in the House or Senate.  Jerry Zeifman, Chief Counsel in the Nixon Impeachment, refers to many who have commandeered control of the Party today as "illiberals".     Obama, in that he is the precise antithesis of JFK on so many issues, from US sovereignty to taxes, certainly "is no Jack Kennedy"!!!!!!!!

    To those who want to use the power of government for their personal benefit, John Kennedy said,   "And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country".


    Most of we who will not violate democratic principles regardless of party affiliations, will very likely be voting for Congress Member Ron Paul for president in November, even if it is simply a "write-in" protest.  We may be far outnumbered by the masses of voters who have no clue as to the history of the Democrat philosophy, going back to Magna Carta (c.1215), but we do not surrender to interlopers and infiltrators who have reversed the meaning and morality of our Party.  We do not vote for a candidate only because that candidate claims to be a "democrat".  We remain loyal and committed to, as Magna Carta began the movement, limiting the powers of those who administer the functions of governance.  Government power, then delegated by The Church, was referred to as "the divine right of kings" and royals.  Do we want to return to that concept?  I repeat:  Do we want to return to that (socialistic-omnipotence of government)

A. Benton Edmons, editorialist, The Centrist Democrat International
Disclaimer: TCDI, a newsletter disseminating the viewpoints of traditional Democrats, is not in any way affiliated with any political faction of any country

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